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      With over 25 years of experience in the local market and the backing of a multinational trading technology powerhouse, we’re AUSIEX – one of Australia’s leading providers for financial institutions, intermediaries, advisers and industry participants.
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        With an unwavering focus on delivering quality outcomes for financial institutions and intermediaries, we aspire to be Australia’s leading wholesale broker.
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Updates to the Financial Services Guide (FSG) effective 16 June 2022

The following updates were made to the Financial Services Guide (FSG) effective 16 June 2022.

  1. Updated wording to ‘How are our staff remunerated?’ section

    • Removed: “Our staff are remunerated by salary from the Participant and do not directly receive any commissions or fees. They may be eligible for a bonus payment. Some staff bonus payments may be up to 45% of fees that the Participant receives from the placement of a financial product. These bonus payments are discretionary, and based on achievement of pre-determined business objectives.”
    • Replaced with: “Our staff are remunerated by salary from the Participant and do not directly receive any commissions or fees. They may be eligible for a bonus payment of up to 45%. These bonus payments are discretionary and based on achievement of pre-determined business objectives.”
  2. Added a new paragraph under ‘How is customer information dealt with?’

    • “We will provide notifications, information and important documents to you about your account and/or financial products and/or services offered either to the email address you last notified to us, or on our website. Also we may use other electronic means to notify you of amendments/s and provide information about where you can access full details of the amendment/s. If you do not want to receive information via electronic methods, please contact us.”
  3. Added a new paragraph under ‘Brokerage’

    • “Unless otherwise indicated, where a fee or charge is expressed as a percentage, it refers to a percentage of the transaction value. For GST rounding reasons, the final brokerage fee may result in a slight variance from the stated or expected charge, which may exceed two cents for large trades.”
  4. Updated any Chi-X references to Cboe to reflect the change of name of the market operator

You can find the updated FSG available for download from this website. Should you have any questions about these changes, please contact us.

Published: 20 June 2022